Metrology FAQ

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1. What is Metrology?

Metrology is the science and application of measurement.

KEBS is the custodian of the National Primary Physical Standards of Measurements in Kenya.

It offers traceability of this measurements to international standards (SI).

2. What Services are Offered in Metrology?

Services offered in Metrology include:

  1. Calibration
  2. Realization and maintenance of units of measurements.
  3. Measurements solutions in terms of customized measurement systems and trainings
3. What is calibration?

This is the act of checking and/or adjusting the accuracy of a measuring instrument by comparing it with a Standard of higher accuracy.

All measuring equipments should be callibrated to give accurate and reliable results that ensure clear provision of quality products.

4. What Equipment Can be Calibrated?

Equipment used in industries, research institutions, educational institutions, agricultural, aviation and the health sector.

Examples of equipment are:

Weighing scales/ balances, incubators, clinical thermometers, temperature controllers, blood pressure machines, flow meters, tanks, ovens, cold rooms, pressure gauges, noise level meters, ph meters, light meters, acoustic/ultrasonic devices, x-ray machines, timing devices, vernier callipers, aircraft weighing kits, visiometers, hydrometers, hygrometers, multimeter, energy meters etc.

5. What Metrology Laboratories are Available?

a. Mechanical metrology laboratories

  • Density and viscosity laboratory
  • Force/torque/hardness laboratory
  • Length and industrial measurement laboratory
  • Mass laboratory
  • Pressure and vacuum laboratory
  • Temperature laboratory
  • Volume and flow laboratory

b. Electrical metrology laboratories

  • Photometry laboratory
  • Acoustics and Vibration laboratory
  • Dosimetry laboratory
  • AC/DC laboratory
  • Time and Frequency laboratory
  • Energy and Transformer laboratory

c. Other Laboratories

Coast ,Lake Region, South Rift and Mt. Kenya Regional calibration centers Support units

  • Instrumentation Laboratory
  • Mechanical workshop
  • Measurement solutions
  • Liaison of fice
6. Who needs Metrology services in Kenya?
  1. Service industries
  2. Construction industry
  3. Hospitals
  4. Research, universities and training institutes
  5. Manufacturers and Producers, amongst others
7. Accreditation
Metrology has been accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 since 1997
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